In computer networking, there are many operating systems where a network engineer work on CLI (Command Line Interface). Accessing any Server or Router through command line is a basic process how you can configure them to perform in the network. But it is not necessary to be at that location to access them or to configure them. In simple words, if you are out of station or you are not in the physical location of your server or router, even then you can access them and can work on them remotely. For that, you have to enable Telnet or SSH Service on your router or server. You can take remote access of your Linux Server or of Manageable Routers through the command line. You will be surprised to know that you also can take access to those servers and routers through your smartphone. All features will be available on your cell phone only.

We have one application by which you can take access of your server very easily. This is the app which has all the features in it is known as Putty. You can download Putty from the Internet easily Mean to say that it is all protocol supported. If you want to take telnet access of your server you can take it with the help of Putty. If you want to take SSH access of your machines you can do it with Putty. If you want to take access to your router console, it also can get happened with the help of Putty application. You can make Raw connections can do Rlogin and can take any kind of access with the help of this application.

This application is available for windows machine, Linux machine and is also have Android apps. If you want to access your router of your server with telnet or with SSH you can do it with the help of Putty Android App. you can get this app by finding it on Google’s App store.

Here are some features of Putty with screenshots.

With the help of this feature, you can take access of router’s console to your computers. This is putty which makes this possible …
If you want to Telnet your computer or Router you can use this feature. You just need to select telnet option and have to enter the IP Address of your destination machine and you will be there…
When you want to login in Remote computer you can use this option.
If you want to SSH any of your network machine you can use this option SSH. Just enter the IP Address and you will be there on your machine.

I have learned all these things while doing Networking course in Chandigarh. I am doing CCNA Training in Chandigarh and Linux Training in Chandigarh. These two technologies are helping me to understand Network technology and now I have many options where I can start my job. Thanks to CBitss Technologies to teach me that good.






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